Saturday, January 8, 2011

Book Nine

January 8, 2011 @ The Summit for breakfast

Franklin and Eleanor, by Hazel Rowley

Flipping through the text ....

Eleanor and Franklin floating in my coffee.  My coffee's pretending to be
Warm Springs, Georgia, apparently. At least for Franklin.  Or maybe not.

YUM!  'Nuff said.

We REALLY need to start selecting older books so we don't have to buy multiple hardback copies! 

Of course, if we just caught up to the 21st century (like Stacey did), we could download our books!

Even when we opt for breakfast, we can't seem to stay away from the sauce!

 Okay, we've waited so long to open this bottle of wine, we might as well wait until our ONE YEAR anniversary in March!  Until then, our group's next meeting will be:

Thursday, February 17, 2011
6:00 p.m.
Stacey's NEW house!

The Help, by Kathryn Stockett