Sunday, January 22, 2012

Book Eighteen

January 20, 2012 @ Carol's

The Sandalwood Tree, by Elle Newmark

A tale of forbidden love, entwined with the end of an era and the creation of Pakistan.  Juicy!

Cora Lee, joining in the conversation.

Who knew peanut butter and raisin cookies could be so delectable?

Carol's collection of local photography.

Carol, embracing her C.O.L. status (Cat On Lap).

Cocoa was the beneficiary of much attention, and enjoyed every minute.

Cory and Sally, intrigued by the possible choices for our next book!

Five of seven!

Our next meeting:

Cora Lee's House
Friday, February 24, 2012
6:00 p.m.

Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi be followed in March by

11/22/63, by Stephen King

Let's get to reading!