May 31, 2013 @ The Cowfish Pub
Life after Life, by Kate Atkinson
Life after life after life after life ... when does it end? Is that feeling of deja vu real?
What about the feeling of Vuja De (that none of this has ever happened before)?
Is it coincidence that we seven Literary Spirits ended up in the same place at the same time?
Enquiring minds want to know.... |
Sally and Carol - one read the book and didn't like it, one didn't read the book. Can you tell which is which? |
Cora Lee, Anne, and Stacey. One read the book in its entirety, one read 30 pages and one has not yet begun to read.
And yet, a fascinating and enlightening conversation ensued. This is why I love book club! |
Six of Seven. Cory, alas, was worn out this day and couldn't join us.
I vote that Stacey and I split a bottle of wine at EVERY book club!
Wait! I have a sudden feeling that I've said that very thing before. Just call me Ursula. |
Our next meeting:
Saturday, June 29, 2013
11:00 a.m.
Tea @ Anne's House (wear a hat!)